Five Unusual Effects of Running on the Body

The body can derive significant health benefits from running, regardless of the tempo.

For instance, a study that examined over 55,000 runners aged 18 to 100 years discovered that the risk of cardiac disease was significantly reduced by running for 5 to 10 minutes daily at a gentle pace.

Your organs will also appreciate it. According to a report, running has been associated with enhanced respiratory function, improved circulation, and improved oxygen intake.

But running is also one of those sports that is notoriously hard on the body, resulting in knee injuries, pulled or strained tendons, and lost toenails. Consequently, it is often given a poor rap. Which of these ailments should you be particularly concerned about, regardless of whether you are a novice or an experienced runner? Additionally, what actions are available to you in response to them?

Runner's knee

According to Bert Mandelbaum, MD, an orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist at Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute in Santa Monica, California, patellofemoral pain syndrome, also referred to as runner's knee, is likely to affect runners who attempt to do too much, too quickly.

Your toenails develop a black hue.

What is the reason for the blackening of the toenails of distance runners? It is essentially the consequence of bleeding beneath the nail.


Chafing is an experience that significantly diminishes the enjoyment of a long run. It is the skin irritation that occurs as a result of the recurrent rubbing of the skin against another surface (or something else). It is typically a problem that exacerbates as one runs for extended periods or over lengthier distances.

Bladder Hyperactivity

Are you experiencing the need to "go" only a brief distance into your run, despite having recently used the bathroom? This could be the result of a combination of factors. The cardiovascular exercise can also accelerate the production of urine by your kidneys, as it increases blood flow.

How to play fantasy football

Step 1

Simply venture out.

As a novice, you have the option of dedicating an entire week, month, or year to contemplating the mechanics of running and perusing the internet for strategies and advice, or you can simply maintain a consistent running regimen.

Step 2

Adopt the "Run-Walk" Approach

It is during this phase that numerous novice runners experience their first misstep.

Step 3

Proper Technique Must Be Considered

A preparation and cooldown will facilitate the transition into and out of a run. Begin with a small number of reverse lunges on each limb, followed by squats, side lunges, butt kicks, and high knees, all prior to your run.

Step 4

Slowly making progress

It is time to increase the challenge when you are at ease running at a leisurely pace for 20 to 30 minutes, your exertion level dropping below 6, and you are confident in increasing the intensity.

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